Parmigiano Reggiano
Parmigiano Reggiano is the best known and most commonly used cheese in Italy and elsewhere. It is a hard cheese made from the milk of cows raised in the provinces of Parma, Reggio Emilia, Modena and parts of Mantua and Bologna provinces, in the valleys, hills and mountains between the Po River and the Reno River. Parmigiano Reggiano is protected by a DOP (protected designation of origin): only cheese produced under the Consortium’s strict production rules obtain the Parmigiano Reggiano trademark. As it ages, this cheese acquires its typical crumbly structure and characteristic flaky texture, becoming more brittle and soluble. Indeed, what goes by the name of parmesan cheese outside this area is almost always an inferior imitation.
Easy to digest, highly nourishing and lactose free, Parmigiano Reggiano has the unique flavor of a product made without additives. Its concentration of protein, vitamins, calcium and minerals make it suitable for all ages and all uses.
After 22 months (ours are minimum 24 months), Parmigiano develops a stronger aroma in which a nutty fragrance joins that of fresh fruit.